
  • First WCC social event
    On May 23, the Omaha Section’s Women Chemists Committee held its first social event at Corkscrew Wine & Cheese bar. Participants discussed their interest in growing the network of women chemists of the Greater Omaha area, and plans for leadership … Read more
  • ACS Omaha and Creighton Chem Club at NE SciFest
    Members of the ACS Omaha Section Joel Destino and Erin Gross, and Creighton Chemistry Club students volunteered on Saturday, April 27 at the Nebraska SciFest Science Expo to promote Chemists Celebrate Earth Week. The theme of the demonstrations at the … Read more
  • Leyte Winfield speaks at event co-hosted with UNO Chemistry
    On Monday, April 1, 2024 the Omaha Section’s Women Chemists Committee was thrilled to partner with NASA Nebraska and the University of Nebraska at Omaha Chemistry Department to host Dr. Leyte Winfield of Spelman College who presented Culturally Relevant Pedagogies … Read more
  • ACS Omaha supports MSEF2024
    Continuing a multi-year tradition, the Omaha Section of ACS supported this year’s Metro Science and Engineering Fair. This year, MSEF had a total of 175 presentations, with 44 chemistry-related projects: 8 in senior division and 36 in junior division. The … Read more
  • 2022 ACS Outreach volunteer of the year
    Congrats to Joel Destino, the 2022 #ACSVoty recipient for the Omaha ACS Local Section. Learn more about Joel’s outreach efforts to bring #chemistry to the community at
  • Upcoming April Events !!!
    Event I: Outreach Event at Strategic air command and Aerospace Museum Join the Omaha section of American Chemical Society April 16th 2022 at Strategic air command and Aerospace Museum. Stop by the booths are organized and administered by the local … Read more