Bylaw XI. Amendments

Section 1. A petition to amend the bylaws may be initiated by the Executive Committee, or by petition signed by at least 15 members of the Section. If the proposed amendment is approved by the Executive Committee, it shall be submitted to the SOCIETY’s Committee on Constitution and Bylaws for review. After any required changes are incorporated, and any recommended changes reviewed and accepted or rejected by the Executive Committee or a majority of the petitioners, the Secretary shall, as soon as practical, distribute the amendment(s) to each member of the Section with either notice of the next meeting or notice of a ballot on the amendment.

Section 2. If a proposed amendment is not approved by a majority of the Executive Committee, and if the petition is signed by at least 15 members of the Section, it shall be submitted to the SOCIETY’s Committee on Constitution and Bylaws for review before being distributed to the members of the Section. After any required changes are incorporated, and any recommended changes reviewed and accepted or rejected by a majority of the petitioners, the Secretary shall, as soon as practical, distribute the amendment(s) to each member of the Section with either notice of the next meeting or notice of a ballot on the amendment.

Section 3. At least two-thirds (2/3) of votes cast shall be required to approve the amendment.

Section 4. The Secretary shall distribute the outcome of the vote regarding the amendment(s) to the Section members and within one month, shall meet all requirements for submitting the results to the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 5. Amendments to these bylaws, after adoption by the Section, shall become effective upon approval by the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws, acting for the Council of the SOCIETY, unless a later date is specified.

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