Section l. The officers of the Section shall be MEMBERS of the SOCIETY and the Section and shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Secretary and Treasurer positions may be held by the same person.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Section and as such shall have full power to conduct, manage, and direct the business and affairs of the Section in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY and these bylaws. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Section, the Immediate Past Chair, the Councilors and Alternate Councilors. The Executive Committee shall meet upon due notice either atthe call of the Chair or upon request of a majority of its members. A quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall consist of a majority of the members of the Committee.
Section 3. The duties of the officers shall be such as usually pertain to their offices, together with those required by these bylaws, by the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY, and such other duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the Executive Committee.
(a) The duties of the Chair shall be to preside at meetings of the Executive Committee, to carry into effect the decisions and recommendations of that Committee, to preside at business meetings of the Section, to appoint all committee chairs and committee members, and to carry out the duties required by the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY. In the absence of the Chair, the duties of the office shall devolve upon the Chair-Elect.
(b) The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep a record of the minutes of the meetings of the Section and of the Executive Committee, to maintain a list of members and affiliates, to send to members and affiliates such notices as the business of the Section may require, to submit a report to the Section at its annual meeting, and to carry out the duties required by the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY and elsewhere in these bylaws. The term of office shall be for one year; reelection is permissible.
(c) The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the Section, keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, receive dues, and make those disbursements approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall render an account of all transactions and of the financial condition of the Section to the Executive Committee at times set by the Committee, and shall submit such reports as are required by the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY. The term of office shall be for one year; reelection is permissible.
Section 4. Vacancies
(a) In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chair, the Chair-Elect shall assume the duties of Chair for the remainder of the term.
(b) All other vacancies shall be filled by majority vote of the Executive Committee through interim appointment for the period up to the next annual election. At that time, the procedures for election as outlined in the bylaws of the Section shall be followed.
(c) An interim appointee to the vacated office of Chair-Elect shall not automatically succeed to the office of Chair. At the next election, both a Chair and a Chair-Elect shall be elected.
Section 5. Councilors, Alternate Councilors, and Temporary Substitute Councilors
(a) The Section shall have Councilors and Alternate Councilors as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY. The Section’s Councilors and Alternate Councilors shall carry out those duties assigned to them by the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY.
(b) Councilors and Alternate Councilors shall be elected from the MEMBERS for three-year terms beginning January 1. Reelection is permissible. Councilors shall be elected in separate years, whenever possible, to provide for a rotation of terms in accordance with the Constitution of the SOCIETY.
(c) In the event that a Councilor is unable to attend a specified meeting of the Council of the SOCIETY, the Chair of the Section shall appoint one of the Alternate Councilors to serve as Councilor at the specified meeting. Such appointment of an Alternate Councilor shall be for only one meeting.
(d) If every Councilor and Alternate Councilor of the Section will be absent from a Council meeting, thus leaving the Section without representation at such meeting, the Executive Committee may designate one MEMBER of the Section as a Temporary Substitute Councilor in accordance with the Bylaws of the SOCIETY.
(e) The Executive Committee shall designate any Councilors to be disqualified under SOCIETY Bylaw provisions for reallocation of Councilors among the Sections.
(f) Any vacancy in the position of Councilor or Alternate Councilor shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term at the time of the next annual election. The vacancy may be filled until the next annual election by appointment by the Executive Committee.